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Seating Systems

Orthopaedic seats are a widely used group of products that are designed to help stabilise patients in a sitting position. When choosing orthopaedic equipment, it's important to opt for products that are appropriate for a child's normal development, starting from sitting and moving on to standing. The equipment must be able to adjust to the individual needs of the child due to their dynamic developmental changes, such as growth.

The purpose of a properly selected orthopaedic seat, adjusted to the user's anatomical conditions, is to achieve correct positioning and stabilisation of the body in a sitting position and to improve cognitive functions of the nervous system.

Sitting has various beneficial effects on the circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems. It also has psychological benefits, as it enables patients to perceive visual and auditory stimuli better and improves eye-hand coordination and manipulative functions of the hand. Additionally, sitting improves head control, which can aid in language development.

In the rehabilitation process using an orthopaedic seat, it's crucial to remove pathological patterns and develop new ones that are as close to correct as possible. This helps to prevent the development of pathological positions of individual body parts.

By maintaining an appropriate sitting position, the effects of a therapist's hard work are preserved, and incorrect movement patterns are prevented from consolidating during breaks in improvement. Comprehensive rehabilitation requires cooperation between doctors, physiotherapists, and parents, and the shared knowledge of the rehabilitation team should help in selecting a specific rehabilitation device.

To achieve an appropriate sitting position, it's imperative to keep the head and torso in the frontal plane so that the back of the head and back are in line. Appropriate side supports should be used to secure the torso. The backrest should be positioned at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the seat plane to maintain a neutral position of the shoulder girdle, head, and hip bend. The pelvis should be stabilised so that the sacrum touches the back of the backrest to avoid pelvic retrograde tilt. The seat depth should be adapted to support the thighs safely and keep the hip and knee joints at an angle of approximately 90 degrees. If there is an addictive tendency, the lower limbs should be separated with an abduction wedge or abduction belt. Feet should be rested flat on the footrest with the possibility of comfortably pinning them in line with the knee joints. The footrest height should be adjusted so that the thigh rests along the entire length of the seat and the feet are at appropriate distances from each other, parallel to the thighs.

Orthopaedic seats are most often used in the following diseases: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies, paralysis of various origins, spinal bifurcation, meningeal hernias, conditions after spinal injuries, conditions after craniocerebral injuries, conditions after stroke, postural defects, in particular, scoliosis of the spine when no other care is used.

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