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Neurorehabilitation is a form of treatment provided by a team of professionals with specialised knowledge and experience in managing complex neurological conditions. This form of therapy is required after an acquired brain injury, spinal injury or neurological illness that has left the individual with complex issues. Some of the conditions that require neurorehabilitation include acquired brain injury due to any cause, spinal cord conditions, peripheral nervous system conditions, multiple trauma, neurological and neuromuscular conditions, severe musculoskeletal or multi-organ disease, physical illness/injury complicated by psychiatric or behavioural manifestations or stable conditions, congenital conditions such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida in children or adults, and post-polio or other previous neurological injury.

The neurorehabilitation process involves assessment, treatment, and management of the condition by a team of professionals knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with complex neurological conditions associated with the central nervous system, namely the brain or spinal cord. Neurorehabilitation is a treatment provided by a team of specialists with extensive knowledge and experience in managing complex neurological conditions. This treatment is necessary after an acquired brain injury, spinal injury, or neurological illness that has left an individual with complex issues.

Some of the conditions that require neurorehabilitation include acquired brain injury due to any cause, spinal cord conditions, peripheral nervous system conditions, multiple trauma, neurological and neuromuscular conditions, severe musculoskeletal or multi-organ disease, physical illness/injury complicated by psychiatric or behavioural manifestations or stable conditions, congenital conditions such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida in children or adults, and post-polio or other previous neurological injury.

During neurorehabilitation, a team of professionals with specialised knowledge and experience in dealing with complex neurological conditions associated with the central nervous system (i.e., the brain or spinal cord) will assess, treat, and manage the condition.


MOOVIE™ rehabilitation blocks

RAPAEL Rehabilitation Solution

RAPAEL Rehabilitation Solution

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